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Hut in the cemetery, used to prepare dead for burial. Хата на кладбище, где мертвых готовили к погребению.

 Hut in the cemetery, used to prepare dead for burial. Хата на кладбище, где мертвых готовили к погребению.

 Hut in the cemetery, used to prepare dead for burial.

Хата на кладбище, где мертвых готовили к погребению. 2009.

Some gravestones on Kupel cemetery. Надгробия на еврейском кладбище в Купеле

Some gravestones on Kupel cemetery. Надгробия на еврейском кладбище в Купеле

Some gravestones on Kupel cemetery, 2009.

Надгробия на еврейском кладбище в Купеле. 2009 год

Sketch to Tsipa Rozen funeral photograph

Sketch to Tsipa Rozen funeral photograph

The following information is available about people in the photograph of Tsipa Rosen’s funeral. This photograph was taken on the second day of Pesach in 1924, in Kupel.

Shtein's family: Isaak Shtein (born in Kupel) with wife Tuba Akkerman

Shtein's family: Isaak Shtein (born in Kupel) with wife Tuba Akkerman

Shtein's family: Isaak Shtein (born in Kupel) with wife Tuba Akkerman, 1937 (born in v. Kuzminy near Volochisk 

Исаак Штейн (родился в Купеле) с женой Тубой Аккерман, (родилась в с. Кузьмины Волочисского района), фото 1937.

Shmilek Furman family, 10/1/1938. Семья Шмилека Фурмана, Шоел Кравец справа во втором ряду. 10/1/1938

Shmilek Furman family, 10/1/1938. Семья Шмилека Фурмана, Шоел Кравец справа во втором ряду. 10/1/1938

Shmilek Furman family, 1938. Shmilek Furman, his wife, two wife's brothers and Shoel Kravets (in army uniform), second row on the right. S. Furman and Kravets were born in Kupel. Photo made in town Slavuta in 1938.

Семья Шмилека Фурмана, 1938 Шмилек Фурман, его жена, два брата жены (одного звали Михаил) и Шоел Кравец справа во втором ряду. Фурман и Кравец рождены в Купеле. Фото сделано в Славуте в 1938г.

Moshka Shtein family: wife Leah, daughters Ida, Manya, Raya. Kupel, 1936.

Moshka Shtein family: wife Leah, daughters Ida, Manya, Raya. Kupel, 1936.

Moshka Shtein family: wife Leah, daughters Ida, Manya, Raya. Kupel, 1936. 

Мошка Штейн с женой Леей и дочерьми Идой, Маней и Раей, фото сделано в Купеле в 1936 году. 

Aleksandr Lizen in Army uniform, 1944

Aleksandr Lizen in Army uniform, 1944

Aleksandr Lizen in an Army uniform, 1944.

Александр Лизен (Лизенберг),  писатель, ьурналист, в армейской форме во время войны, 1944. После войны участвовал в установке мемориала в Купеле.

Street map of the Kupel the Shtetl, part 1

Street map of the Kupel the Shtetl, part 1

Street map of the Kupel the Shtetl was created by Chaim Beider, Abram Udler and Cilya Derman in 1970-80. When they came to Kupel after the war, there was no shtetl anymore. All Jewish homes, shops, barns were destroyed, disassembled and used in Ukrainian households in order to prevent survivors return to Kupel. So kupelians, who survided the war fighting Germans in the Russian Army, or working on some plants in Siberia, they wanted to remember their birthplace, which they still loved, and they created a Map.

Street map of Jewish Kupel, part 2

Street map of Jewish Kupel, part 2

On this part of the map three cemeteries are shown: Polish in the top right corner, Jewish on the left and ukrainian in the middle. Also there is an ambulatory on top right, and a theater on the top left part of the map.  Map was created by kupelians Chaim Beider, Abram Udler and Cilya Derman.

Gitl and Pearl Glaser

Gitl and Pearl Glaser

There is front and back side of the photos.

На этой странице - фотографии Гитл Перельман (Глейзер), жены раввина Ицика Глейзера и их младшей дочери Полины (Перл), а также оборотная сторона фотографий. Гитл и Полина убиты в Купеле, как и многие другие члены семьи.

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