Rav Itzhаk Meir Glaser, last Rav of Kupel. Murdered in Kupel (buried alive).
Itzhak Meir Glaser, my great-grandfather, was born in 1886, in Kupel, Ukraine. His parents were Rav Iehudah Leib Glaser and Sima Roinik.
Iehudah Leib was born in 1855 in Kupel.
Kupel was just small Jewish settlement or steatl surrounded by Ukrainian villages, which habitants used to come into Kupel in market days to buy some goods and to sell some agriculture products to Kupel merchants and to work as “shabbes goy” and… for pogroms.
Iegudah Leib was a gifted writer and wrote a book about successful sexual relations between husband and wife. Bertha, my grandmother and the eldest granddaughter of Iehudah Leib, told me, that a book has named "Rose and thorn" and is still kept in St. Petersburg Public Library of Academy of Science.
Iehudah Leib and Sima had a few sons, including Itzhak and Joseph (I do not know the names of all others) and daughters Pesja, Hava and Rivka (Rebekkah). About 1912 or 1913, before WWI, Iehudah Leib got sick and his sons brought him to Vienna, Austria, the nearest city that happened to have X-Ray. He was diagnosed with cancer and told to have a surgery. As grandma told me, after discussion between him and his sons it was decided do not have a surgery. Iehudah Leib died before Russian Revolution of 1917. After his death his widow Sima and three daughters stayed with Itzhak Meir family. Itzhak Meеr became rabbi of Kupel.