Kupel's passport, page 12. 1964 There is a continuition of description of the murder in 1942: two little Jewish girls, daughters of Shulem Kravets (chairman of Jewish kolkhoz) and step-daughters of Yusepha Kravets, were taken to the jewish cemetery and shooted to death by Ukrainian policeman in Kupel. Old woman on a picture is Yanina Malinovsky, Kupel's lifelong resident, who was 89 years old in 2005. She might still remember this killing as well as others.
Страница 12 из паспорта села Купель, 1964. Продолжение описания убийства двух маленьких девочек-евреек в Купеле, в 1942г. Полицай-украинец отвел их на кладбище и застрелил из ружья.