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Kupelians cemetery in Elmont. Description by Stephen Stein


At the turn of previous century there was a Kipilier  Society (landsmanschaft), orgainized by people, who immigrated to USA from Kupel, Volynia region, Ukraine. That landsmanschaft purchased a big plot in Beth David Cemetery, Elmont NY. Few hundred kupelians and their families members were buried there.

Купельские поляки. Kupel's Poles

Kupel in 2005, photo of Laura Kandro

 польское кладбище в Купеле


Польская церковь в Купеле

The Weiser, Bychok, Beychok, Bloom and Margulis family



     Семья Вейзер. Weizer Family





Bychok’s family photo 


Faivish Goldenberg and friends, Kupel

Faivish Goldenberg and friends, Kupel

Faivish Goldenberg and friends, Kupel

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